5 ways to improve your prototyping workflow
Figma, UIUX

As designers, we build prototypes for a lot of different purposes: Running user tests, presenting realistic plans to stakeholders, communicating intent to developers, the list goes on. Because prototypes are so important across the design process, the experience of making them needs to be fast and easy. To help streamline and speed up your prototype creation workflow, […]

How to Kickstart Your UI/UX Design Career

The digital world is abuzz with captivating interfaces and seamless user experiences. If you’ve ever found yourself marveling at the intuitive flow of a mobile app or the stunning visuals of a website, you might be harboring a secret desire to create such experiences yourself. Well, guess what? The world of UI/UX design welcomes enthusiastic […]

Mastering the Grid System in UI Design
UIUX, User Interface (UI)

Have you ever admired a website or app for its clean, balanced, and visually appealing layout? Chances are, the secret lies in the grid system, an often invisible but essential tool in UI design. Imagine a quiet city with carefully planned streets and designated spaces for buildings. A grid system works similarly, offering structure and […]

Using Color Theory for Perfect User Experience and UI
User Interface (UI)

Imagine walking into a store painted bright red and filled with flashing lights. Overwhelming, right? Now, picture a calm blue space with carefully curated colors. Much more inviting, wouldn’t you say? Color is a powerful tool in UI design, influencing user emotions, behavior, and decision-making. Let’s dive into the world of color psychology in UI […]

Everyday Psychology Hacks for User-Friendly Designs
UIUX, User Experience (UX)

Ever wonder why some apps feel intuitive and enjoyable, while others leave you frustrated and lost? The answer lies in the world of UI/UX design, where psychology plays a key role in creating seamless and satisfying user experiences. But don’t worry, you don’t need a psychology degree to understand the basic principles! Let’s explore some […]

Top UX Trends in 2024: Where User Experience is Headed
UIUX, User Experience (UX)

The digital landscape is ever-evolving, and so are the ways we interact with it. As we move into 2024, user experience (UX) trends are focusing on human-centered design, ethical considerations, and immersive experiences. Here are some key trends to watch: 1. Ethical and Privacy-Focused Design: Users are increasingly concerned about data privacy and ethical design […]

Mastering Information Architecture for UX Magic
User Experience (UX)

Imagine walking into a library with books piled high, no labels, and a hidden entrance. Sounds confusing, right? That’s the opposite of what we want in user experience (UX). Information architecture (IA) is the secret sauce behind organizing content intuitively, making apps and websites feel like a walk in the park (a well-organized park, that […]

The UI/UX Designer’s Secret Weapon, Not a Replacement: AI

The fear of robots taking over jobs is a common one, and UI/UX design hasn’t been spared. But instead of seeing AI as a looming threat, let’s shift the perspective. What if AI were not a replacement, but a powerhouse collaborator for UI/UX designers? Imagine a world where: But remember, AI is a tool, not […]

Best LearnPress WordPress Theme Collection for 2023
Commercial, Educate

Looking for an amazing & well-functional LearnPress WordPress Theme? Online education has become so popular that there are a lot of options for you to start your LMS WordPress website. Therefore, why not LearnPress? In short, LearnPress is one of the best and most popular LMS WordPress Plugins and you can make use of it […]

9+ Best Education WordPress themes powered by LearnPress LMS

There’s always a Learning Management System behinds every eLearning website. For big corporate eLearning websites like EDX, Udemy, Lynda or Coursera, they have their own custom-made LMS. How about mid-size schools, universities or educational institutions? The limitation of time and capital make building their own LMS a ridiculous thing to do. For that reason, a […]